Logistic company based in Limerick is looking for 2 artic drivers with good English.
One driver would be based in Dublin and the other based in our Limerick depot. The Dublin driver job would be night work leaving Dublin between 8 and 10pm to drop in Ballina Co Mayo 5 nights a week. Second driver would be based in Limerick as we have 6 artic leaving to collect in Dublin on a day basic I do not know what run this driver would be on. Again this work would be 5 days a week. We have 10 Polish drivers on my books for the last 15 years none have a problem with wages or the work.
We pay 11 euros an hour that is up to 50 hour a week. Our drivers very seldom work these hours; they work between 46 to 50 hours a week 5 days a week. Some weeks there could be an extra run on a Saturday or Sunday of which they are paid for. These runs are split between the drivers no one is forced to work an extra run.
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